
Accept that you are accepted.
-Paul Tillich

You don't need to be accepted by others.
You need to accept yourself. 
-Thich Nhat Hahn

Nothing is harder than to accept oneself.
-Max Frisch

The most terrifying thing
is to accept oneself completely.
-Carl Jung

This is the principle of self-acceptance:
Do not be an adversary to your own experience.
-Nathaniel Branden

To accept something about yourself,
you first have to come out of your ignorance and own it.
-Richard Rudd

Acceptance is that state of mind that arises
when I and myself are united:
when the tip realizes its true relationship to the iceberg.
It cannot accept it - it is it.
-Guy Claxton

Self-acceptance is, quite simply, realism.
That which is, is.
That which you think, you think.
That which you feel, you feel.
That which you did, you did.
-Nathaniel Branden

The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself,
in spite of begin unacceptable.
-Paul Tillich

Accept everything about yourself -
I mean everything, you are you and that is the beginning and the end -
no apologies, no regrets.
-Clark Moustakas

Accepting yourself
does not preclude an attempt to become better.
-Flannery O'Connor

Our entire life consists ultimately
in accepting ourselves as we are.
-Jean Anouilh

When you do your best
you learn to accept yourself.
- don Miguel Ruiz

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am,
then I can change.
-Carl Rogers